Japanese Folk Art Museum
Edo Mingu Kaido Digital Guide
Home >道具のお話し(Stories)
Stories related to
There are stories that may intrigue your curiosty!
The stories related to lighting appliances are something to take a look at.
(*Documents are kept to be updated.)
大分類 | 中分類 | タイトル | こちらを開いてください | 写真 | 掲載日 |
1. 運ぶ道具 Transportation related |
人力車 Jinrikisha (Rickshaw) |
人力車の歴史 History of Jinrikisha |
2016/11/12 | ||
2. 時の道具 Time keeping device |
和時計 Japanese Clock |
3. 火の道具 Heating and lighting appliances using the fire |
あかりの道具 Akali Lighting Appliances |
日本のあかりの道具のお話し Stories of Akali Lighting Appliances in Japan |
2016/11/10 | ||
世界のあかりの道具のお話し Stories of Lighting Appliances in the world |
2016/9/17 | ||||
あかりの道具ってなんですか? What is Akali light? |
2016/9/22 | ||||
小田原提灯のお話し A story of Odawara Chochin |
A story of Odawara Chochin PartI A story of Odawara Chochin PartII A story of Odawara Chochin PartIII A story of Odawara Chochin PartIV |
2016/9/15 | |||
和ろうそく Japanese Candles |
和ろうそくをたずねて.pdf AJourneySearchingForTraditionalJapaneseCandle.pdf |
2016/11/12 | |||
4. 水の道具 Tools associated with water |
5. 食の道具 Tools supported food culture |
6. 士の道具 Samurai's kacchu armer |
7. 農の道具 Peasants tools |
8. 工の道具 Artisans tools |
9. 商の道具 Merchants tools |
Japanese Folk Art Museum "Edo Mingu Kaido"
Address: 418 Kuzo, Nakai-machi, Ashigara-kamigun, Kanagawa-ken, Japan
Tel: 0465-81-5339