
Japanese Folk Art Museum
What you can see at Edo Mingu Kaido

Home展示品紹介(Exhibits) >Weight scales

 9.商の道具 Merchants' tools

Weight scales




 Typical weight scales used in the Edo Period are steelyards and balance scales.  A steelyard is a straight-beam balance with arms of unequal length.  It incorporates a counterweight which slides along the calibrated longer arm to counterbalance the load and indicate its weight.  They come in various sizes and a large one can measure a weight more than 120kg.  A balance scale consists of a pivoted horizontal lever with arms of equal length (the beam) and a weighing pan suspended from each arm.  By summing up calibrated weight or weights on a pan, one can tell its weight on the other side of the pan.   


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Japanese Folk Art Museum "Edo Mingu Kaido"
Address: 418 Kuzo, Nakai-machi, Ashigara-kamigun, Kanagawa-ken, Japan
Tel: 0465-81-5339