Access to Edo World Musuem ~Edo Mingu Kaido
(See English below)

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JR東海道線 二宮駅(東京方面からは大磯駅の次)で下車し、駅からバスかタクシーをご利用下さい。

駅の改札を出て右へ(海側)⇒階段を下りて南口ロータリーのバス停①より神奈川中央交通バス 「ニ30系統 中井町役場行」乗車⇒乗車約20分、料金370円⇒「五所ノ宮(ごしょのみや)」バス停下車⇒徒歩約3分

二宮駅南口バス停①乗車 ⇒ 五所ノ宮で下車 ⇒ バスの後を追って進む ⇒ 橋の手前を右へ曲がる ⇒ 川沿いを道なりに進む ⇒ 右側の大きな行灯が目印!






東名高速 秦野中井インターより約8分
小田原厚木バイパス 中井インターより約5分



Japanese Folk Art
Edo World Museum ~Edo Mingu Kaido

Address: 418 Kuzo, Nakai-machi, Ashigara-kamigun, Kanagawa-ken, Japan
Tel: 0465-81-5339
Director: Tatsuo Akisawa

Life of ordinary people in the past has been reappeared, meet nostalgic Japan here

Welcome to twilight zone !

Please open this Google Map link below
for the location of Edo Mingu Kaido
Edo Mingu Kaido Google Map link

How to get to Edo World Museum ~Edo Mingu Kaido

Take JR Tokaido Line and get off at Ninomiya Station.
 (3 stations away from Odawara Station in the direction to Tokyo.)
Ninomiya Station Wikipedia Link

If you are taking a bus from Ninomiya Station:
Turn to the right after exiting the ticket gate at the station.  Go downstairs to the ground level and find the bus stop no. 1 and get on a bus displaying "Route No. 30 destined to Nakaimachi-Yakuba 中井町役場".  Ride for about 20mins and get off at "Goshonomiya 五所ノ宮" bus stop. (21st bus stop from Ninomiya station with a fare JPY370.)  After getting off a bus, walk about 3mins along the path by the river and you will reach Edo Mingu Kaido. 

Get on a bust at Ninomiya Station at bust stop 1>>>  Get off at Goshonomiya bus stop>>> Follow the bus>>> Turn right before a bridge>>> Proceed along the river>>> You will see a huge red lantern on your right

Time schedule for buses from Ninomiya Station (Two or three buses per hour)

Bus route(21st bus stop from Ninomiya Station)

*On the way back to Ninomiya station by a bus, Goshonomiya bus stop for the opposite direction is located on the other side of the river facing a convinience store.  Please be careful.

If you are taking a taxi from Ninomiya Station:
Turn to the left after exiting the ticket gate at the station.  Go downstairs to the ground level and find a taxi.  Ride for about 10mins with the fare approximately JPY2,000 to JPY2,500

*If you are taking a train and a taxi from the famous tourist spot Odawara, you can reach Edo World Museum ~Edo Mingu Kaido in about about 40 mins.

*You will see a large Andon Lantern facing a path by a river.

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Japanese Folk Art
Edo World Museum ~Edo Mingu Kaido
Address: 418 Kuzo, Nakai-machi, Ashigara-kamigun, Kanagawa-ken, Japan
Tel: 0465-81-5339